The college is spread over an area of 29 acres with built-up area of about more than 8000 sq.ft. The college has:

Descriptions No. of Rooms
Lecture Theatres (150 students seating capacity each) 04
Lecture Rooms(100 students seating capacity each) 18
Auditorium(500 students seating capacity) 01
Girls Common Room 01
Staff Common Room 01
New Building 01
Old Building 01
Student Union Building 01
Administrative block housing Principal's Chamber, Proctor Office, Office Supptd, Accountant Office,Management's Committe Room etc 01
Labs(Botany, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, B.Ed) 05
Courts for Lawn Tennis, Badminton & Volleyball etc. 01
Ground for Cricket, Football, Atheletic etc. 01
Departmental Chambers/ Rooms for Department 14
Stock Room 02
Principal's Bungalow 01
Teachers' Residences 04
Staff Quarters 08
Bank Building 01
Post office Building 01
Computer Lab 01